Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Travel Tuesday - Nonstop American Legion Goodwill Trip

Local Legion Men Take Steps To Avoid Necessity Of Halt

 "Nonstop" means just that, says Grant Ware, adjutant of the Spokane American legion post  So he and Frank P. Smith are taking every precaution to see that there will be no danger of an enorced stop on their nonstop international tour to Mexico and return to Spokane. "Everything is progressing smoothly," said Mr. Ware. "Legion posts all along the route are giving us cooperation and affording escorts to insure we shall not be forced to stop because of traffic. "One momentary stop would spoil the entire trip, so we must avoid traffic jams, being caught at railroad crossing, or in any one of any of a thousand circumstances.  It must be realized that if we had to stop just an instant to reverse, we should loose out.
 "Roseburg, Bakersfield and Stockton posts promised us cooperation  today, adding  their names to the extensive list.
"Our schedule calls for an average speed of 20 to 21 miles an hour. "We have equipped our car with air containers  to avoid possibility, as far as possible, of tire trouble.  These heavy tubes are virtually puncture proof  and nothing but a larege spike or something like that will cost  us air.  A flat tire would end our journey."

(Spokane Daily Chronicle, March 24, 1930)

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